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Finikias monastery before the restoration, 2016

These pages I have badly neglected for some years.

This has changed since the beginning of May this year (2023). Since then, the content has roughly doubled.
As before and little by little, I want to complete the presentation of the villages of Agios Vasilios (which means a lot of work), first for our Finikas, then also for the Lambi.

Restored monastery of Finikias today (2023) as church and folk museum Sellia

In the meantime, the blog section has become more extensive. The intention was to publish news from the area more regularly, originally once or twice a week, or even more. I cannot make any promises in this regard at the moment. It turned out that the effort is higher than originally thought and I also have other hobbies, as well as one or two worries… But I will try to provide at least one or two new contributions every month.
There will be contributions taken from other media (mainly Greek) and translated into German and English.

In addition, I would also like to try to expand the blog with my own contributions, such as the last one on hiking in the wild Finikas.

I will be grateful for every comment. Likewise for corrections (content, language, …) and for suggestions of any kind.

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Updated: 16.05.2024 — 09:51

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